Useful Information for Tourists


【Sanjo Tourist Association】

   Feel free to contact us.     


Discover Sanjo

Sanjo is located near the center of Niigata prefecture and famous for its metal processing industry. Not only noted as the city of craftmanship, Sanjo is rich in nature where you can feel the beauty of each season. Sanjo has a lot of spots that will "wow"you. You'll surely find something just for you!

Thriving Town of Craftsmanship


The origin of the metal industry in Sanjo dates back to about 400 years ago. In those days, farmers often suffered from floods of the Ikarashi river. The governor officer during that period invited blacksmiths from Edo(present Tokyo) to teach farmers how to make Japanese hand-forged nails as their side business. Since the mid-19th century, production of knives and craftman's tools, from which our forging traditions have developed, has been thriving.
Nowadays, they are produced not only for the Japanese market, but are also exported to foreign countries. Take a tour of factories in Sanjo and feel the finest craftmenship!

Abundant Nature


Forests stretching out to the border with the neighboring prefecture, the Shitada area is filled with grand natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy distinct charms of the nature in each season: majestic Yagigahana Rock, pretty rosy lilies, swans coming over to the Ikarashi river. The Honai area, where the gardening industry thrives, is covered with beautiful flowers and plants. Abundant nature in Sanjo will heal  your body and soul!

Variour Events

From historical, traditional ceremonies to vibrant festivals, Sanjo has a lot of fascinating events all year around!

Check out the event calender of Sanjo!

Sanjo Festival

The Sanjo Great Kite Battle

Honjoji Ogre Dancing and Bean Throwing Ceremony


Promotion Movies


経済部 営業戦略室 営業戦略係

〒955-8686 新潟県三条市旭町2-3-1
電話 : 0256-34-5603 (直通) ファクス : 0256-36-5111
